Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Neighborly Gift

A few weeks ago I was at the grocery store and they had free bananas.  They were pretty ripe and needed to be used right away.  I decided that some banana bread sounded great so I picked up enough for a loaf for us and for some mini-loaves for the neighbors.

At Christmas I had picked up some mini loaf pans on clearance at Michaels for 50 cents each!  I hope they have them again this year because they are perfect!  I bought the plain ones (white & red) so that I could decorate them myself and use them any time of the year and not just at Christmas time.

So, when the bread was done, this is how I decorated up the gifts to take to the neighbors (I made 6 of these).

I used some patterned paper that I've had in my stash for years.  The tag was simple to make!  The frame is from Fillable Frames #5.  I stamped the outline image in a blue palette ink.  The fun flowers are from the Boxes, Bags & Tag set and I stamped them in Champagne VersaMark ink.

As you can see, I punched a hole in the bottom of each frame image and ran my ribbon through the hole so it would go behind the tag and then tied a bow at the top.  I thought that these turned out pretty cute and the neighbors seemed to really enjoy receiving them (and eating them too)!

Thanks for stopping by today!

Supplies (all PTI unless noted)
Stamps: Boxes, Bags & Tags, Spiral Bouquet, Fillable Frames #5
Paper:  Chartreuse Cardstock, Misc Patterned Paper
Ink: Champagne Versamark, Pure Poppy, Blue Palette
Other:  Ribbon, Fillable Frame #5 die


Laurie said...

These are adorable! What a great gift! I have loads of bananas in my freezer right now and this would be such a fun thing to do! I love the tag too! The way you decorated them is so pretty! (If you find any of those at Michael's this year let me know! I want some too!) :)

Amy Kolling said...

Yum...yum!! I LOVE banana fact I have some nanas sitting upstairs begging to be made into bread! Your tags are perfect! I need to get the FF out more and use them!

Christina said...

These are so cute, Jen! What a thoughtful way to share your creativity (and baking skills!) with your neighbors!

Sue Ann said...

How sweet are you and how great your neighbors must have felt when you showed up with that little treat!! I am all about some banana bread ....... I make it almost every week for the kiddies. Whenever I find bananas that are ripe and CHEAP I buy a ton and then mash and freeze them in small containers so when I want to make it I can just take out them out and I am ready to go in no time.

Victoria said...

What a great gift! I love how you packaged up the loaves. I made four loaves of banana bread myself last weekend. My freezer was overflowing with bananas, so decided I'd better do something about it! Thanks for sharing!

Jackie Solomon said...

These look amazing, the design is so cute and the banana bread looks yummy!! Somehow I missed those little loaf pans at Michaels last year, hope they have them again this year so I can pick a bunch of them up.

Melissa said...

What a great gift and your packaging is so pretty!

jen said...

These look great! And you've got me craving banana bread... :D

Kara said...

pretty labels!! they look delicious!

Keva said...

That's a great very thoughtful of you. I love the little loaf pans,too!

Lisadwb said...

What an loving way to make your neighbors feel special. They look good, and I can only imagine how yummy they tasted. (BTW- the kids eat the bananas too fast around here, there are never any left for bread. LOL)

AmethystCat said...

great idea and love how you labeled them!

Lori said...

what a sweet and thoughtful gesture!! you did a great job with the bands and tags too! very cute

Anonymous said...

Jen I love the tags, and this looks sooo yummy!!

Bridgett Owens said...

I got some of the loaf pans at Michael's, too! I wanted to get more but didn't ever make it back up there in time. What a thoughtful gift. I am definitely going to keep this in mind. I have a few neighbors that I think would really enjoy a gift like this! Thank you for sharing your idea!

Anika said...

How sweet of you, Jen! Love the tags you added, they look so cute all decorated up!

Michelle (abzzymom) said...

How I wish I was one of your neighbors, Jen! The banana bread looks yummy and the packaging is perfect!

Dana said...

Oh wow. What an amazing display Jen! They look like professional gourmet gifts! YUMMY!

Katie said...

Yummy! What a thoughtful thing for you to do for your neighbors. I'm sure your presentation wowed them plenty!

Jill said...

Jen, yum! What a thoughtful treat for your neighbors, and how cute are the decorated? I love how you punched the ribbon through and behind the FF! Now I'm craving banana bread . . . :-D

Lee Anne said...

50 cents pans and free bananas? That's a bargain! Your gift was much appreciated, I'm sure!

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