
Saturday, October 22, 2011

MSS Block Party: Your Help Needed

Hello to all of you who are so loyal in visiting my blog each week!  Thank you to those of you who may be finding yourself here for the first time as well!

Do you remember this card I posted earlier in the week?

It was chosen as one of Market Street Stamps top 10 for their Special Edition Block Party.  The cool part is that the winner of the block party wins $50 a month in free stamps from Market Street Stamps for a full year...$600 worth of stamps!!  WOW!!! 

Here's where I need your help!   I would LOVE if you would stop on over to the Market Street Stamps blog and vote for me!  It would really mean the world to me to have your support!  Even if you have never commented on my blog before but you find yourself visiting or maybe you comment regularly, I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your support and vote!  (Yes, I am shamelessly begging!!) :)

Thank you SO MUCH for voting!! I am so blessed by all of you!  If I don't tell you enough how much I appreciate you and how much you encourage me, PLEASE know that you do! I enjoy hearing from you and  appreciate each of you so much!!

Here's the link where you can vote:  MSS Special Edition Block Party

Thanks again!!


  1. Love it and totally voted ~ great use of twine as always!! Did I already leave you a comment somewhere you know I am blonde and forget :) xoxo

  2. I have already been voting for you! You're is my FAVORITE!!! SOOO cute!!!


  3. Your card is adorable, no wonder you were one of those selected. I voted for ya! Good luck...free stamps every month for a year,OMG!

  4. Oh, I remember this card. It is so beautiful. Of course I will vote for you. Off to do it right now! Good luck.

  5. Jen, you know I've been voting! hehe Good Luck!


Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave a comment! I appreciate your comments so much! Have a great day!